
SOMANZ conducted a series of webinars in 2023 and we invite you to now view the recordings of these events.

SOMANZ RACP 2024 Webinar Series

Lecture 1 – Sepsis management in pregnancy

Dr Briony Cutts – held 16 July 2024.  You can view the recording here shortly.


Lecture 2 – Hypertension in Pregnancy

Dr Renuka Shanmugalingam –  held 21 August 2024.  You can view the recording here shortly.


Lecture 3 – Mental Health Medications and Pregnancy

A/Prof Stefan Kane – To be held Monday 11 November at 6.00pm AEDT

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Please register in advance for this webinar.


Lecture 4 – Contraception in Medical Patients

Dr Karin Lust – To be held Monday 25 November at 6.00pm AEDT

Register in advance for this webinar:

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SOMANZ RACP 2023 Webinar Series

Topic 1:  Diagnosis and Management of VTE in pregnancy

Speaker:  Dr Briony Cutts
When:  Wednesday, 9 August at 6pm to 7pm AEST / 8pm to 9pm NZST
Topic:  Diagnosis and Management of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in Pregnancy.

The recording of the webinar can now be viewed HERE.

This webinar is part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in partnership with its affiliated Specialty Societies.



Topic 2:  Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Speaker:  Dr Renuka Shanmugalingam
When:  Wednesday, 30 August at 6pm to 7pm AEST / 8pm to 9pm NZST
Topic:  Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy.

The recording of this webinar can now be viewed HERE.

This webinar is part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in partnership with its affiliated Specialty Societies.




Topic 3:  Obesity and Pregnancy (including pregnancy post bariatric surgery)

Speaker: A/Prof Helen Barrett
When:  Tuesday 17 October at 6pm to 7pm AEST / 8pm to 9pm NZST
Topic:  Obesity and Pregnancy (including pregnancy post bariatric surgery)

The recording of this webinar can now be viewed HERE.

This webinar is part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in partnership with its affiliated Specialty Societies.




Topic 4:  Immunomodulators in pregnancy

Speaker: Dr Shikta Dey
When:  Tuesday 31 October at 6pm to 7pm AEST / 8pm to 9pm NZST
Topic:  Immunomodulatory Agents in Pregnancy

The recording of this webinar can now be viewed HERE.


This webinar is part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in partnership with its affiliated Specialty Societies.





SOMANZ UCOM Webinar Series 2021

The SOMANZ Update Course in Obstetric Medicine (UCOM) has evolved into a webinar series for 2021 since we were unable to run the planned 2-day face to face course.  There are monthly webinars planned so please visit here regularly to see what is coming up or to view past events.


Topic 1:  Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy

Presenter:  Dr David Tanous delivered this lecture on Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 6.00pm AEDT by Zoom Webinar.

Dr David Tanous is a Visiting Medical Officer in Cardiology at Westmead Private, Westmead and Auburn Hospitals and is an Honorary Cardiologist at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Dr Tanous has subspecialised in adult congenital heart disease and cardiac diseases in pregnancy. He performs congenital cardiac diagnostic and interventional catheterisation procedures.

Special Interests

  • Adult Congenital Heart Disease
  • Cardiac Diseases in Pregnancy
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Congenital Cardiac Interventions

You can now view this webinar HERE.


Topic 2:  Skin Conditions in Pregnancy 

Presenter:  Dr Nina Wines, Consultant Dermatologist, Sydney delivered this lecture on Tuesday 18 May at 6.00pm AEST by Zoom Webinar.

Dr Wines is the co-founder and principle consultant dermatologist of Northern Sydney Dermatology and laser. Dr Wines is an experienced laser & procedural dermatologist. Her major subspecialty interests are scar management & women’s dermatology (esp skin disorders relating to pregnancy).

You can now view this webinar HERE.


Topic 3:  Teratogens during pregnancy

Presenter:  Dr Debra Kennedy, Director, MotherSafe, Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney on Tuesday 22 June, 2021 at 6.00pm.

“MotherSafe is a State-wide service where we take calls from consumers and healthcare professionals regarding concerns about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

By training I’m a paediatrician and I have an interest in birth defects and their prevention. I completed a two year fellowship in Toronto at a service that was similar to MotherSafe, so we modelled it on that.

I’ve seen an increase in women and health professional’s awareness of the need to plan pregnancies, so they can address concerns about potential medications before getting pregnant.  Women with underlying medical problems who are often given quite scary advice about not taking medication might actually compromise their own health because they think it’s safer. That may not necessarily be the case. MotherSafe is all about making sure people understand that there are options and to seek advice so they can make informed choices.”

You can now view this webinar HERE


Topic 4:  Extreme mothering: who is too old and who is too sick?

Presenters:  A/Prof Sandra Lowe and Dr Amanda Beech, Sydney held on Tuesday 26 October 2021 at 6.00pm.

You can now view this webinar HERE .


A/Prof Sandra Lowe

Dr Amanda Beech

Topic 5:  HELLP (H)US! Thrombotic Microangiopathies in Pregnancy

Dr Danny HSU

Presenter:  Dr Danny Hsu, Consultant Laboraroy and Clinical Haematologist, Liverpool Hospital, NSW on 30 November 2021 at 6.00pm AEDT.  See the latest E Bulletin for details on how to join.

A review of the TMA syndromes that can present in pregnancy focusing on the challenges in diagnosis and management.

Dr Danny Hsu is a consultant laboraroy and clinical haematologist at Liverpool Hospital.  He is a Director of Therapeutic Apheresis and the Clinical Lead of Immune Haematology at Liverpool.  His primary clinical and research interests are in the field of thrombotic microangiopathies, immune thrombocytopenias, and complement-mediated haematological disorders.

You can view this webinar HERE shortly.



SOMANZ RACP Webinar Series 2020-21

SOMANZ will conducted a series of webinars in 2021, supported by the RACP, and the recordings of past events are available for you to view below.


2021 Webinars

Topic 1:  Epilepsy in Pregnancy

Presenter:  Dr Caroline Airey

Date:  30 June 2021 at 6.00pm AEST

You can view the recording HERE

Dr Airey graduated from the University of Tasmania in 2004. She completed advanced training in neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, undertaking a movement disorder fellowship with Dr Richard Boyle.

Dr Airey has worked as a general neurologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital since 2013, as well as in private practice. She established an MS Clinic and a Botulinum toxin Headache Clinic at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. She also has an interest in neurophysiology, especially with regards to neuropathy and orthopaedic cases. An emerging interest is in women’s neurology, including management of neurological issues during pregnancy. She is a current PhD candidate at UQ in the area of Motor Neuron Disease research.

Dr Airey practices at Mater Centre for Neurosciences.


Topic 2:  Sickle Cell Anaemia in Pregnancy

Presenter:  A/Prof Kylie Mason

Date:  17 August 2021 at 6.00pm AEST

You can view the recording of this webinar HERE


Topic 3:  Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pregnancy

Presenter:  Dr Emma Flannagan

Date:  16 September 2021 at 6.00pm AEST

You can view the recording of this webinar HERE shortly


2020 Webinars

Topic 1:  What’s Making News In Hypertension In Pregnancy:  An Update

Presenter: Professor Angela Makris, Obstetric Physician / Nephrologist

Date:  Tuesday 30 June 2020 at 6.00pm AEST (8.00pm NZT)

Hypertension in pregnancy has been a long discussed topic.  There has been significant clinical trial evidence generated over the last decade in this field.  During this webinar, the evidence and changes to practice will be discussed.


Topic 2: Obstetric Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Presenter: Dr Briony Cutts, Obstetric Physician / Haematologist

Date:  Monday 13 July 2020 at 6.00pm AEST (8.00pm NZT).


Topic 3: A Practical Approach To Pregnancy And Rheumatic Diseases – With An Update On The Use Of Biologics

Presenter: Dr May Ching Soh, FRACP PhD, Obstetric Physician, New Zealand

Date:  Tuesday 11 August 2020 at 6.00pm AEST (8.00pm NZT)

Pregnancies in multi-morbid women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases are often challenging. Clinicians need to manage the disease and its activity in pregnancy, while navigating the somewhat murky waters of (long-forgotten) obstetrics and reproductive biology.  This webinar aims to arm you with the basics of how plan and manage pregnancies for the women, and troubleshoot problems that may arise in pregnancy. This will be a case-based approach discussing axial spondyloarthropathy to systemic sclerosis, biologics to placental biology, and contraceptive advice to how the woman’s future health is dependent on her pregnancy outcomes. ​


Bonus Topic: Update On Management Of The Pregnant Woman With COVID-19 – Viewpoints From The UK

Presenters:  Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy and Professor Tim Draycott

Webinar Moderator:  A/Prof Tan Lay Kok and Dr Lim Min Yu

Organised by the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Singapore and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – Supported by the Academy of Medicine Singapore who have kindly allowed us to share this webinar with you. (Recorded 18 June 2020 at 6.00pm SGT (+8 GMT).

SOMANZ Webinar Series 2019 – Recordings available to view here.

SOMANZ conducted a series of webinars in 2019, some in partnership with ADIPS, and we invite you to view the recorded versions here if you were unable to attend them live. There were three in this series and we are grateful to the RACP for supporting this program.


Topic 1: Nausea, Vomiting And Hyperemesis In Pregnancy

Presenter: Dr Sandra Lowe and Dr Amanda Beech held on 23 July 2019.

Please view this webinar post event below:


Topic 2: Renal Disease In Pregnancy

Presenter: Dr Shilpa Jesudason on Wednesday 14 August 2019 at 6.00pm AEST

Please view this webinar post event below:


Topic 3: Gestational Diabetes In Pregnancy

Presenter: Dr Sarah Price on 19 November 2019 at 6.00pm AEDST

Please view this webinar post event below:


These webinars are part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) in partnership with its affiliated specialty societies.


SOMANZ Webinar Series 2018 – Recordings available to view here


Topic 1: Cardiovascular health following hypertensive pregnancy

Presenter: Dr Amanda Beech on 7 August 2018.

Please view the video recording of this webinar presentation below:

Topic 2: Evolve – Unnecessary Tests in Obstetric Medicine

Presenter: Dr Helen Robinson on Wednesday 26 September 2018

Please view the video recording of this webinar presentation below:


Topic 3: Sepsis in Pregnancy

Presenter: Dr Angela Makris on 23 October 2018

Please view the video recording of this webinar presentation below:


These webinars are part of the Specialty Society Webinar Service pilot that is being undertaken by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in partnership with its affiliated specialty societies.